When I thought of the word, fortune, two things came to mind; children are more valuable than any amount of cash and the time we spend with them is priceless.
Some of the best times I've had with my kids were reading to them. It was a thrill to see how they would react to a new book. Now, when they wanted to read the same book for the fiftieth time, well, that got a little old!
Even if they wanted the same book, there was something special about reading to my kids. It's something nobody can get from watching television.
Today, when I see my kids reading to themselves, I think about the times before they could read and how much they have changed. Kids are a blessing... and they're worth a fortune!
Sweet :P
Absolutely true...I try to read to my kids every night and know that it will accomplish a lot for them as they get older...
Very nice work, Kevin. Sounds like you are very blessed.
Fun illo. And I completely agree with your sentiment.
I like this even more after reading what you wrote about it. You are very fortunate.
Great work.
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