Kevin Spear Sketchbook 0808, page 106-107
Things weren't going so well for the home team. It was a cold night and they were losing. At least the cheerleaders kept up motivated even as they bundled up.
Rooting for the Cold, Home Team
Illustration Friday: Rambunctious
I did this portrait for a Christmas present. I thought of this when the word for Illustration Friday was "rambunctious," because a family if four boys has to be a rambunctious family.
I drew the base art in Adobe Illustrator, then took it into Photoshop for the final touches.
Sketch of father and son sledding
Pencil sketch of a father and son getting ready to go sledding.
There is just enough snow on the ground to get a guy thinking about sledding. I drew this in pencil within my sketchbook.
Illustration Friday: Santa's Balloon
Santa takes a trip around the North Pole. He can't use his reindeer all the time, can he? This is what he does for free time. The big guy has to get away once in a while.
I drew the line art with Pitt Artist Pens. The color is in Photoshop.