Five Things People Don't Know About Me

In the comments for "IF: Help," Katie tagged me and asked me for five things people don't know about me. So here it goes...

  1. The April before I was born, my mother and father narrowly escaped the 1965 Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak. They were at home when it occurred. Neighbors on each side of them were killed.
  2. My great-great-great grandmother was an Iroquois Native American-Mohawk tribe.
  3. I have yet to meet a food I don't like. Even though I'm from Indiana, I'm not a meat and potatoes kind of guy. I'll try anything once.
  4. As a teen, I wrote a letter to Charles Schulz. I secretly hoped he would need an assistant and would see through my feeble attempt at hero worship and hire me. Alas, twasn't meant to be!
  5. Last year, I ran the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon. I plan to run it again this year and train for a full marathon this autumn.
That's all the news that isn't about me.


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