Sometimes there aren't many choices are there? Sometimes, there are plenty of choices but we seem attracted to the bad ones. There's a little Pandora in all of us, isn't there?
Boy to Pastor: "But why doesn't our church reach out to super heroes?"
This week's Illustration Friday theme reminded me of a cartoon I did some years back. As a boy, I wondered were those super heroes were in real life. I found out later many were closer than I thought. One of them lived right in my house and went by the alias, "Dad."
There's been a lot of team spirit in Indiana thanks to the big Indianapolis Colts' Play-offs this weekend. Will they make it to the Superbowl? Stay tuned!
In January, we look for love. We look for something to warm the cold. Success comes by February 14th.
That desert of time between Christmas and Valentine's day is a time when a lot of people do some searching. Luckily, I've already found love. But I remember those cold winter days. I'd shed a tear if it wouldn't freeze to my cheek.
The word, "Buzz," got me thinking about a project I recently illustrated. This cover is for a story on an audio cd. It tells the Christmas story from the perspective of "The Glory Bugs."
I did this illustration for Warner Press the other day. It's a hidden picture illustration on Genesis 28, Jacob's ladder. I do these illustrations for a children's bulletin book. It's available through WP's bulletin subscription service. So, can you find the five things different in the pictures?
Boy to dad: “I’m glad you’re feeling better. I’d hate to replace you.”
I've been recovering from a nice, holiday cold. My kids have been nice, and sincere about my welfare. I imagined this morning what would happen if they were younger and had a more selfish motive. Good thing you can't just pick up a new dad from the Home Depot.
I am a children's writer/illustrator. I write single panel cartoons, gag cartoons, web comics and comic strips. I also write and illustrate children's books and graphic novels. For a look at my portfolio, visit