Illustration Friday: The Blues

My daughter has brought home a nice, little puppy. It's a little furball of energy.

The cat has reacted better than I thought. He hasn't been violent, though you can tell kitty has the blues.


  1. nice. that dog looks pretty hyped

  2. I love the cat's expression! :) and the dog looks so silly :P ihhihi

  3. Congrats on the new dog! Dogs rock. Your illustration is really fun. I just posted my Blues entry too.

  4. dogs are more child friendly.. cats have an attitude :) nice illustration

  5. Your dog seems like he won't be able to sit still much longer. As for the cat I don't think he'll stay unviolent for long. Great illo.

  6. Anonymous9:53 PM EDT

    Very nice illo, I love their expressions! I think everything will be fine, they just need a bit of time to get to know each other better. :-)

  7. Anonymous8:51 AM EDT

    The difference between dogs & cats is that when they're bad, dogs don't know any better...but cats have been planning for weeks.
