Illustration Friday: Remember

My kids love the time at the beach. My son has a bag of shells he collected from our last trip. They always bring back good memories.


Nancy Bea Miller said...

What a great piece! Made me grin because my sons have bags of shells, too.

Digital Scott's Illustrationblog said...

I like the ocean and the beach. Your illustration rocks! FYI, sand dollars have five holes I think...

Here's one quick link to more on the "legend" of the sand dollar..


you have a nice, soft style--lovely illo!

Robert McLaughlin said...

Cool illustration. It's very well suited to the theme this week.

trowbridge chronicles said...

I like your zany cartoon style. You must stay busy.

Jannie aka Chickengirl said...

fun character style. I wish I was at the beach right now!

Anonymous said...

ashhh, this makes me happy! I have some left over sandollars from when I was a kid that I won't throw out because of the good memories! I love it! Great illo!

david santos said...

Very, very nice, thank you, have a good week

arvindh said...
