Illustration Friday: Visitor

What happens when the rubber duckie is replaced by a visitor? The thought is too frightening to comprehend.

Disciples go Fishing

I'm working on the "My Very Own Bulletin Book," for Warner Press.

In this activity, the student is to look for and color seven fish.

Illustration Friday: Emergency

It's summer time in Indiana and the bugs seem to find windshields like a moth to a flame.

If a but sees a windshield coming at fifty-five miles an hour, I'm assuming that would be an emergency!

Curly Slide Celebration

I remember when my daughter faced the challenge of the curly slide. She celebrated when she made it down on her own.

It's those little successes that taste so sweet.


I was thinking more about the term, "missing." It reminded me how easy it is for guys to zone out of their family life.

I know I have to watch it and I pray I never get to the point where my kids and wife resent my career or my illustrations because they took the place of our relationship.

Illustration Friday: Missing

The word, "missing," reminded me how proud I was when I lost my baby teeth.

It was cute to see my kids go through this ritual. Now my daughter needs braces. Brace for financial impact, Mr. Sulu!