
Spear-Cartoon_2975, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of man to woman, "I always thought falling head over heels in love was an impossibility."

"Head over heels" has always sounded like an impossible cliche to me. Then again, I guess our heads are always over our heels, right? That must mean everyone has a chance to fall in love.

I originally drew this cartoon several years ago. When Illustration Friday announced this week's word was "impossibility," I went searching through the archives and came up with this one.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Illustration Friday: Fleeting/Spear_2136

Spear_2136, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon: Boy says to Dad, "I won't talk about my day if you won't talk about yours."

One good thing about bad days is that they are fleeting. That works with Illustration Friday's theme for this week!

It was a shock to me when I first discovered my kids could have bad days too. Thank heavens for family. Work can be tough, but if we just remember to build each other up at home it can be a refuge. I better get to working on that. You never know when the kids have had a bad day.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3.

Spear Cartoon 3207

Cartoon of a man in his back yard. The neighbor's dog is raising a fit. The man says, "Love your neighbor and put-up with his pooch."

Love towards one's neighbors can be a challenge, especially when he isn't a model citizen. Sometimes, the neighbor can be all right, but his dog may act like an obedience school drop-out.

To all my neighbors, I hope my dog has not been acting like Cujo lately. I promise I will try to be a model citizen. If I fall short a few times, please forgive me. I'll show a little mercy too. Let's face it, we all need that from time to time.

This was a cartoon I drew seven years ago. I updated it and posted it the new version to my website at www.kevinspear.com.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2.

Joshua 1:9

Joshua 1:9

It's normal to be scared about things. Some things are frightening to everyone. Other things seem scary except to the person who is scared. Both kids of fear keep us from doing all kinds of things.

In the beginning of Joshua, the Israelites had good reason to be scared. They were going to war. They had no way of knowing if they would be killed or would be victorious. God reminded them they could be strong and courageous and He would be with them.

God doesn't promise he will take away our fear. He does promise to be with us wherever we go. He will strengthen yo and give you courage to face your fears.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be
terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with
you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9 (NIV)


Spear-Cartoon_3487, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of boy to Easter Rabbit, "Do you count all your chickens before they hatch?"

Someone at work commented how strange it is that the Easter Bunny hops around with Easter eggs. They said, "Why not an Easter chicken?" Why indeed.

This led me to think about what the Easter Bunny does with all those eggs. Does he count them? Does he keep track of all of his loot? and what if he counts inaccurately or too soon? If it can happen to Wall Street, it can happen to Peter Cottontail.

I've always thought it creepy to see a six foot tall rabbit in shopping malls. Bizarre sights deserve a bizarre question. The public demands to know, Easter Bunny!

I drew this in Adobe Photoshop CS2

Spear Cartoon_3486

Spear_3486, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon: Boy says to girl, "If God loves a cheerful giver, why are you supposed to give 'til it hurts?"

We always get conflicting messages in this world, don't we? To be fair, though, "Give 'til it hurts' is not found in the Bible.

However, the Apostle Paul did write, "God loves a cheerful giver." in 2 Corinthians 9:7.

I thought of this idea while thinking about today's financial climate. Giving is down in some areas because the economy is so shaky. But sometimes the cure for financial uncertainty is to just give and don't worry about tomorrow.

Today, I'm going to find some ways to give. How about you?

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS3


Spear-Cartoon_3485, originally uploaded by speartoons.

Cartoon of vampire at dentist office: “Before the dentist sees me, I have to know some things. Can he work without that obnoxious light? Did he have anything with garlic for lunch? And does he respect abnormally large incisors?

At first glance, you may think Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight" series inspired this cartoon. That would be partially true.

Actually, a trip through one of my sketchbooks inspired this one. I was looking through a 1988 sketchbook. I came across a poor, awkward vampire at high school. He was having trouble with the school lunch. His fangs were sensitive to the goop they were serving that day.

It was one of those gags that got cheap laughs in my high school and college newspapers. You can't go wrong dissing the man with the goop.

However, I couldn't use that one today. Instead, my mind wandered to how difficult would all these vampires lives be if they had to live in our world. Would dentists be as feared as Buffy? if anyone would have dentophobia, it would have to be vampires, right?

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2

Spear cartoon 3484


Cartoon of Dad to son, “How long before I’m old enough to search for significance online?"

Every once in a while, you hear how people are using the web to replace real interaction. I was thinking about this one day as this cartoon came to mind. It seems you can search for information about almost anything. Some of the info is great, some is, well... needs a little editing.

Hopefully, I'm not finding significance in my art and cartoons. Nothing man-made can ever replace our need for interaction with people and God. That is where I fin my significance.

I drew this in Adobe Illustrator CS2